Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why is everything so gray?

Head of Security: Bill, why is everything so... gray?

Bill: Well, sir, it might be because of the big Exit sign in front of it...

Head of Security: Nah, that's silly. It must be something else...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alien or Just Plain Weird?

While searching the interwebs today, I found this little funny... With yet another FAIL on it...

Umm... I don't think I even need to say anything for this one...

Oh, and if the person who took this picture or somebody else wants me to take this off because it is somehow offensive, just tell me and I will.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Choco Milkman...

Is for all of the Fails and other funny stuff I find on the interwebs and post on here for your enjoyment. And now for our first fail that many of you might know...

The only image I could find of this was from Fail Blog, explaining the big FAIL on it.

So to answer her question.... Maybe it's because you can tell the difference between 'They're' and 'their', or the fact that you wrote 'du u', or maybe it's because we're just jealous. Yeah, that's it. We're jealous. I've always wanted to be a snooty cheerleader like you, who can't spell for her life.
I better just hide my face in shame.

*Goes and cries in corner*